Dr. Ir. Rijanti Rahaju Maulani, M.Si.
Ketua Prodi Sarjana Teknologi Pasca Panen SITH-ITB
Video Profil Program Studi Sarjana Teknologi Pasca Panen SITH-ITB

Sertifikat Akreditasi
Post-harvest technology is one of the keys to building bio-industry. In particular, SITH's Post-Harvest Technology Undergraduate Program facilitates students to study post-harvest processing in agriculture (agroforestrysilvoand fisheryfisheryas the downstream part of integrated tropical agriculture in Indonesia.
The program is designed to produce reliable and resilient profesional post-harvest engineer engineers with handling and processing skills handling and processing to maintain and improve the quality ofraw materials) komoditas agro-silvo-fisheryGraduates are expected to be able to contribute in answering national problems related to post-harvest loss; quality & shelf life of bioproducts; value addition of bioproducts; development of locally-based bioindustries; mastery of information technology in distribution systems and bioproduct market networks.
Post-Harvest Technology is an undergraduate program with a study time of 4 (four) years where students must complete 144 credits of courses. The implementation of the program involves regular lecture meetings, laboratory work, practical work, implementation of the Final Project, and development of soft skills. softskills.
Definition of Post-Harvest Technology
Post-harvest technology provides a very broad understanding ranging from harvesting, postharvestpostharvestand processingprocessingactivities of a bio product commodity. Post-harvest activities are aimed at maintaining the quality of the product after harvest, be it physically, chemically, and physiologically, so that it remains fresh until it reaches the hands of primary users (consumers) or secondary users (industry) before being processed into processed products. Post-harvest technology is interdisciplinary:
- Basic engineering knowledge
- Basic knowledge of life sciences
- Application of engineering principles in the design of integrated post-harvest handling systems
Study Program Specialty
- Developing post harvest technology to build a local bio-based industry by considering local-based knowledge (traditional knowledge)
- Integrating post-harvest of agricultural, forestry, and fishery products (agro-silvo-fishery) so as to create opportunities and flexibility in terms of employment and continuity of continuing education to the next level.
- Post-harvest with science and engineering
(ABET accreditation curriculum: 30% science and 70% engineering)